About The Speaker

Dr Giuseppe Catanuto
Dott. Giuseppe Catanuto, is a consultant oncoplastic surgeon in Catania at HICC (Humanitas Istituto Clinico Catanese) a EUSOMA certified breast center. He spent the largest part of his career in breast surgery, starting in London at the Royal Marsden Hospital in 2001as a junior fellow of Mr Querci della Rovere. In 2004, he moved to Milan at Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori where he joined the team of Maurizio Nava, honorary president and founder of G.Re.T.A. Thanks to these fellowships he can be considered one of the first natively trained oncoplastic surgeons. In 2005 he moved to Catania to the current institution where together with Francesco Caruso and the local team pioneered nipple sparing mastectomies and therapeutic mammoplasties in a purely oncoplastic service. Nowadays, Dott. Catanuto is the executive chairman of the Board of Directors of Fondazione G.Re.T.A. ETS and board member of the Scientific Committee. Dott. Catanuto serves also as member of Board of Directors of ESSO (European Society of Surgical Oncology), member of Board of Directors of UEMS (European Union of medical specialists) and panellist of EUSOMA (European Society of Mastology) for the creation of guidelines on B3 lesions. He's involved in several research projects focused on oncoplastic surgery, surgical de-escalation, impact of scars on survivorship, decision making process, natural language processing, in silico medicine. As a member of Nava's team he contributed to the development of a new technique for mastectomy and reconstruction called "Skin Reducing Mastectomy". In the last few years he served as one of the professors of the Italian Master in Oncoplastic Surgery of the Breast held by the University of Genoa. He's panellist of the Oncoplastic Breast Consortium led by, member of ABS (Association of Breast Surgeons) and ANISC (Associazione Nazionale Senologi chirurghi), He has been invited speaker in major International Conferences and contributes regularly to several online webinar series.