About The Speaker

Dr Nicola Rocco
Nicola Rocco is a breast surgical oncologist and assistant professor at the University of Naples Federico II (Naples, Italy) since January 2022. He previously worked as Chief of the Breast Surgical Unit of the Malzoni Cancer Center - MACC (Avellino, Italy). He obtained his Medical Degree at University Federico II of Naples in 2005 and the Specialization in General Surgery at the same University in 2012. He obtained a PhD in Advanced Biomedical and Surgical Therapies at the University of Naples in cooperation with the National Research Council, studying the potential applications of 3D-printing and regenerative medicine in the field of breast reconstruction. He was Research Fellow at “Fondazione Umberto Veronesi” with the project “Engineered Breast Reconstruction”. He attended the Plastic Surgery Unit headed by Dr. Maurizio Bruno Nava at National Cancer Institute in Milan (Italy), perfectioning his skills in breast reconstruction. He also obtained a Master in Breast Oncoplastic Surgery at the University of Genova (Italy) and the Certificate of Competence in Breast Cancer at the University of Ulm (Germany). He actually is scientific director of G.Re.T.A. (Group for Reconstructive and Therapeutic Advancements) He received the European Breast Surgical Oncology Certification from BRESO. He is a member of the Education and Training Committee (Breast Working Gorup) of the ESSO (European Society of Surgical Oncology). He is a Graduate of the College of the European School of Oncology. He is member of the scientific committee of the MBN International Oncoplastic Breast Meeting and MBN Aesthetic Breast Meeting organized by Dr. Maurizio Bruno Nava in Milan since 2012. He organized International Meetings and Webinars as scientific Director of G.Re.T.A. since 2017. He is member of the Cochrane Collaboration. He is surgical editor for the Cochrane Breast Cancer Group at University of Sydney, Australia. He is author of more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles.